What Is The Age Of Nonakanal? | Surprising Answer


What is the age of nonakanal?

Nonakanal, also known as pelargonaldehyde, is an organic compound with the formula CH3(CH2)7CHO. It is a colorless liquid with a floral odor. Nonakanal is used in the fragrance industry and as a flavoring agent.

The age of nonakanal cannot be determined because it is not a living organism. However, the compound was first synthesized in 1885 by the German chemist Otto Wallach.

Nonakanal is a versatile compound with a wide range of applications. It is used in the fragrance industry to create floral scents. It is also used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages. Nonakanal is also used in the synthesis of other organic compounds.

Nonakanal is an important compound with a wide range of applications. It is a versatile compound that is used in the fragrance industry, the food industry, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Wie alt ist Nonakanal?

Nonakanal ist ein Aldehyd mit der Summenformel CH3(CH2)7CHO. Er ist eine farblose Flssigkeit mit einem blumigen Geruch. Nonakanal wird in der Parfmindustrie und als Aromastoff verwendet.

  • Synthese: 1885 von Otto Wallach
  • Summenformel: CH3(CH2)7CHO
  • Molekulargewicht: 142,23 g/mol
  • Siedepunkt: 225 C
  • Lslichkeit in Wasser: 1,1 g/l
  • Verwendung: Parfmindustrie, Aromastoff

Nonakanal ist ein vielseitiger Stoff mit einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum. Er wird in der Parfmindustrie zur Herstellung von Blumendften verwendet. Auerdem wird er als Aromastoff in Lebensmitteln und Getrnken eingesetzt. Nonakanal wird auch zur Synthese anderer organischer Verbindungen verwendet.


The synthesis of nonakanal in 1885 by Otto Wallach is a significant event in the history of chemistry. It marked the first time that a non-natural aldehyde had been synthesized in the laboratory.

  • Development of new synthetic methods
    Wallach's synthesis of nonakanal helped to establish new methods for the synthesis of aldehydes. These methods are still used today in the synthesis of a wide variety of organic compounds.
  • Understanding of the structure of organic compounds
    Wallach's work on nonakanal helped to elucidate the structure of organic compounds. This work laid the foundation for the development of modern organic chemistry.
  • Development of new fragrances and flavors
    Nonakanal is a versatile compound that is used in the fragrance and flavor industry. It is used to create a wide variety of scents and flavors.
  • Understanding of the history of chemistry
    Wallach's synthesis of nonakanal is a significant event in the history of chemistry. It is a reminder of the important role that chemists have played in the development of our understanding of the world around us.

The synthesis of nonakanal in 1885 by Otto Wallach was a major breakthrough in the field of chemistry. It had a profound impact on the development of new synthetic methods, our understanding of the structure of organic compounds, and the development of new fragrances and flavors.


The molecular formula of nonakanal is CH3(CH2)7CHO. This formula provides important information about the structure and properties of the compound:

  • Number of carbon atoms
    The molecular formula indicates that nonakanal has 9 carbon atoms. This information is important for understanding the size and shape of the molecule.
  • Number of hydrogen atoms
    The molecular formula indicates that nonakanal has 18 hydrogen atoms. This information is important for understanding the polarity of the molecule.
  • Number of oxygen atoms
    The molecular formula indicates that nonakanal has 1 oxygen atom. This information is important for understanding the reactivity of the molecule.
  • Functional group
    The molecular formula indicates that nonakanal has an aldehyde functional group (-CHO). This information is important for understanding the chemical properties of the molecule.

The molecular formula of nonakanal is a valuable tool for understanding the structure and properties of the compound. This information can be used to predict the reactivity of the molecule and to design new compounds with similar properties.


The molecular weight of nonakanal is 142.23 g/mol. This information is important because it can be used to calculate the density, boiling point, and other physical properties of the compound. It can also be used to determine the amount of nonakanal that is present in a given sample.

The molecular weight of a compound is an important factor in determining its chemical reactivity. For example, compounds with a higher molecular weight are typically less volatile than compounds with a lower molecular weight. This is because compounds with a higher molecular weight have more intermolecular forces acting between them.

The molecular weight of nonakanal can also be used to calculate its molar mass. The molar mass of a compound is the mass of one mole of the compound. It is typically expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). The molar mass of nonakanal is 142.23 g/mol.

The molecular weight of nonakanal is a valuable piece of information that can be used to understand the physical and chemical properties of the compound. It can also be used to calculate the amount of nonakanal that is present in a given sample.


The boiling point of nonakanal is 225 C. This information is important because it can be used to identify the compound and to design processes for its purification and distillation.

  • Distillation
    The boiling point of nonakanal can be used to separate it from other compounds by distillation. Distillation is a process of heating a liquid to its boiling point and then condensing the vapor to collect the desired compound.
  • Identification
    The boiling point of nonakanal can be used to identify the compound. This is important for quality control and for research purposes.
  • Purification
    The boiling point of nonakanal can be used to purify the compound. This is important for removing impurities and for obtaining a high-quality product.
  • Safety
    The boiling point of nonakanal can be used to ensure the safe handling of the compound. This is important for preventing fires and explosions.

The boiling point of nonakanal is a valuable piece of information that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is an important property that can be used to identify, purify, and distill the compound. It is also an important safety consideration.

Lslichkeit in Wasser

The solubility of nonakanal in water is 1.1 g/l. This information is important because it can be used to understand the environmental fate of the compound and to design processes for its removal from water.

  • Environmental fate
    The solubility of nonakanal in water is an important factor in determining its environmental fate. Nonakanal is a volatile compound, so it is likely to evaporate from water into the atmosphere. However, it is also soluble in water, so it is possible that it will be transported to groundwater or surface water. The solubility of nonakanal in water will also affect its biodegradability and its toxicity to aquatic organisms.
  • Water treatment
    The solubility of nonakanal in water is an important factor in designing processes for its removal from water. Nonakanal can be removed from water by air stripping, activated carbon adsorption, or reverse osmosis. The solubility of nonakanal in water will affect the efficiency of these removal processes.

The solubility of nonakanal in water is a valuable piece of information that can be used to understand the environmental fate of the compound and to design processes for its removal from water.


Nonakanal wird in der Parfmindustrie und als Aromastoff verwendet. Diese Verwendung ist wichtig, weil sie einen Einblick in das Alter von Nonakanal gibt.

Nonakanal ist ein natrlicher Bestandteil vieler therischer le, darunter Rosenl, Orangenl und Jasminl. Diese le werden seit Jahrhunderten in der Parfmindustrie verwendet, um Dften einen sen, blumigen Duft zu verleihen. Die Verwendung von Nonakanal in der Parfmindustrie deutet also darauf hin, dass es schon seit langer Zeit bekannt und verwendet wird.

Nonakanal wird auch als Aromastoff in Lebensmitteln und Getrnken verwendet. Es verleiht Lebensmitteln einen fruchtigen, blumigen Geschmack. Die Verwendung von Nonakanal als Aromastoff deutet darauf hin, dass es sicher fr den Verzehr ist und schon seit einiger Zeit verwendet wird.

Insgesamt deutet die Verwendung von Nonakanal in der Parfmindustrie und als Aromastoff darauf hin, dass es sich um eine Verbindung handelt, die schon seit langer Zeit bekannt und verwendet wird. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Nonakanal eine stabile Verbindung ist, die fr den menschlichen Gebrauch sicher ist.

FAQs on "wie alt ist nonakanal"

Question 1: What is the age of nonakanal?

Answer: Nonakanal is a naturally occurring compound that has been used in perfumes and flavors for centuries. It is a stable compound that is safe for human use.

Question 2: How is nonakanal used in the perfume industry?

Answer: Nonakanal is used in the perfume industry to create floral scents. It is a natural component of many essential oils, such as rose oil, orange oil, and jasmine oil.

Question 3: How is nonakanal used as a flavoring agent?

Answer: Nonakanal is used as a flavoring agent in foods and beverages to give them a fruity, floral flavor.

Question 4: Is nonakanal safe to consume?

Answer: Yes, nonakanal is safe to consume in small amounts. It is a natural component of many foods and beverages.

Question 5: What is the chemical formula of nonakanal?

Answer: The chemical formula of nonakanal is CH3(CH2)7CHO.

Question 6: What is the molecular weight of nonakanal?

Answer: The molecular weight of nonakanal is 142.23 g/mol.


Nonakanal ist eine Verbindung, die seit langem in der Parfm- und Lebensmittelindustrie verwendet wird. Es ist ein natrlicher Bestandteil vieler therischer le und verleiht Lebensmitteln und Getrnken einen fruchtigen, blumigen Geschmack. Die Verwendung von Nonakanal in diesen Branchen deutet darauf hin, dass es sich um eine sichere und stabile Verbindung handelt, die seit vielen Jahren verwendet wird.

Weitere Forschungen zu Nonakanal knnten zu neuen Anwendungen fr diese Verbindung fhren. Beispielsweise knnte Nonakanal als Ausgangsmaterial fr die Synthese neuer Duftstoffe oder Aromen verwendet werden. Darber hinaus knnten weitere Untersuchungen zu den Sicherheitseigenschaften von Nonakanal zu einer noch breiteren Verwendung dieser Verbindung fhren.

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Wie alt ist Nonakanal? » Alles, was du über das Alter von Nonakanal